Attitudes of Wealth

Archive for October 2008

Today marks my commitment towards my own financial freedom. I have attended courses, read books & listened to great teacher in the areas of financial freedom & attracting wealth. This site will set as a reminder & encouragement to move me nearer towards my goal. I will write consistently on my success in creating wealth as a source of motivation for myself & for you reading this.

My first trigger to be financially free happened when I was studying in university. I went to a public university where majority of the students come from lower to middle income families. I was shocked to realized that not everyone grew up the way I did. I had everything that I could ask for since young. Toys, clothes, computer, good food & a comfortable home to live in. I had the privilege of having my mother drive me to school everyday. To many of my university mates, taking the school bus IS already a privilege. Living & studying with my fellow mates made me realize the importance of being wealthy. My only path towards being wealthy is to study hard & secure a good job.

Boy, was I wrong… I came across the book by Robert Kiyosaki, ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’. It was the turning point in my life as my whole perception towards wealth changed instantly. The path towards financial independence is NOT by achieving good grades. The reality is…It’s by mastering the mechanism of money & learn to make money work for us.

I started being careful with money. I was out looking for ways to make money & save more money. I tried to reduce my expenses by eating simple food. I traveled less. I found ways to share stuff & I learnt how to sell off my old stuff online. I signed up for internet banking, saving me more time by banking online. Somehow, along the way I built a ‘Time is Money‘ motto in my genes. Convenience became my number one priority in most tasks. I always remember the quote ‘Don’t me penny wise but pound foolish’!